The Single Best Tip For InfluxDB Queries IMHO

So the most basic tip I can offer when it comes to queries for InfluxDB it is this.

Always qualify by time, yes, always.
InfluxDB is a time series database platform. They designed it for you to query by date. So fight the urge as much as you want to run a query that doesn’t qualify by time. Just don’t. Qualify on time. It could be a week or a month back, but make it easier on InfluxDB and qualify on time.

About Me

Suburban dad, database administrator, amateur magician and high school sports official.
I have been doing the database thing for almost 30 years, most of that with SQL Server along with other platforms, most recently InfluxDB.
I perform magic with a volunteer organization and enjoy practicing it, learning new things and the history of the art.
